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Grieving Parents Support Vancouver WA

grieving parents support group vancouver

Losing a child is the most devastating grief experience. There are no words to describe how it feels to lose your baby or child. Some parents who have experienced this tragedy feel like their grief will last forever. It’s not unusual for grief felt after the loss of a child to continue for up to one year or more.

LovesFromLuke are your group of “angel parents,” those who have undergone the similar experience of losing a child. We serve grieving parents around Multnomah and Clark County by providing the tools and resources to cope with grief and find healing, regardless of their belief or nonbelief. We understand how the passing of a child can be overwhelming, but with our connections and support, we do everything we can to help parents find hope for moving forward.

One of the resources we provide for parents is a network of support groups. By attending grief support events, parents can share their experiences in a supportive environment. These are not compulsory events, nor do we expect every parent to feel comfortable coming to these events. We connect grieving parents with a support network to listen and share their experiences of loss and create meaningful associations that last long after the meetings end.

Resources to support you in your grief

LovesFromLuke also provides a support page filled with helpful letters, scriptures and messages to affirm and fill your mourning period with more than just grief. Sometimes all we need is truth. Other times what we need is a soft word. And at least once, we need a gesture that shows us we are not alone.

We Provide Care Packages for Grieving Parents

grieving mothers support vancouver

You are not alone on your grief journey, and there is no wrong time to start working through your grief over losing a child. To help you on your journey, we deliver grieving kits filled with the means for weathering the storm. These kits include a resource card supplied with the quick connections you will likely need, a book to help support you in your time of grief, and a teddy bear because sometimes we all need something soft to hold.

However calamitous through our loss, we have found our purpose in becoming “angel parents” for you. When parents have the proper tools to cope with grief, they will be better equipped when facing the challenging days ahead. We curate our services to help parents work through their grief and come out stronger on the other side. Through our care packages, we hope to give you the things that would have desperately helped us in our time of grief. We hope you will contact us soon to learn more about our services.

Our Words For a Grieving Mother

“It seems to me, that if we love, we grieve. That’s the deal. That’s the pact. Grief and love are forever intertwined. Grief is the terrible reminder of the depths of our love and, like love, grief is non-negotiable.”

“What you remember saves you. To remember

Is not to rehearse, but to hear what never

Has fallen silent.”

“Though I walk in the vale of death’s shadow,

I fear no harm,

For You are with me.”

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